The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy has a 21-days plan that makes sure that all the information is put to practice. It comes with suggestions for diet, low-impact stretches, and drink recipes. All the sections of this book successfully persuade the reader to take practical action.
The Arthritis Strategy has the required scientific backing. In this 21-days program, you will learn the following things:
You will get to know the food items and herbs that play a key role in eliminating arthritis in no time. All the food and herbs recommended in this program are entirely natural, risk-free, and useful, unlike drugs and other medications.
The book has different sections. Each chapter handles a separate aspect of arthritis. In the very first chapter, the author directly answers the pertinent question of how to cure arthritis without intaking any medication,
The second and third chapter introduces arthritis, its causes, and its symptoms. It describes how this condition can be so painful.
The fourth and fifth chapters discuss traditional Chinese methods to combat arthritis over time. It also talks about some pills that can help resolve the problem. Further, it also signifies the role of vitamins in treating the joints.
The sixth and seventh chapters dive deep into fatty acids, and the author considers them the ‘arthritis worst enemy superfoods.‘ These fatty acids cause inflammation, which is the underlying problem of arthritis. This program utilizes both western and ancient ingredients that have proven anti-inflammatory properties.
In this Arthritis Step Strategy, the author linked excessive weight with arthritis. It then emphasizes the importance of regular exercise in arthritis, and how proper dies can be an effective remedy.